Mobile marketing

25 Sep ‘Quality over quantity’ advertising and what it means for you

As recently as a few years ago, digital marketing was less about talking to people and more about talking at them; websites, social networks and digital platforms were considered to be channels for businesses to market themselves by throwing money at advertisements that blare out as many messages to potential customers as possible, in an effort to increase brand visibility.

However, we are starting to see a fundamental shift in this mentality; the key to succeeding with marketing to your customers is no longer about simply putting something out there with your brand name on it in the hope that it encourages sales. More and more, it is becoming about giving potential customers something they actually want over a sustained period of time so as to stand out from the noise that is digital information and actually create a sense of interest in who you are and why they should buy from you.

What do we mean by giving customers something they want? This could be a multitude of things, from a great blog, to a hilarious video, or even just promoting an offer or product that they would be interested in.

Knowing who your customers are and what they like is crucial for this ‘quality over quantity’ attitude to marketing; with Konnectifi WiFi solutions, customers log in to the free WiFi you are providing via a social network, meaning you can gain invaluable insight into who they are, such as gender, age, and their previous visits to your establishment. By learning more about your customers and how they interact with your brand, you are able to offer them more content or ‘quality’ advertising that they actually want to see.

For example, if you have a customer who regularly visits your coffee shop and is an established fan, why not offer them a free cup of coffee next time they visit if they bring along two friends? This would both bring in new customers and create a positive relationship with your existing one.

Marketing your business is challenging, especially in today’s digital culture where almost everything we see online is a sales pitch in some shape or form; ‘quality’ advertising through a Konnectifi WiFi solution is a way of sending messages to your customers that they actually want to hear and therefore act upon, rather than someone they will consider irrelevant to them and proceed to ignore.

At Konnectifi, we are able to offer both bespoke WiFi solutions for your venue as well as marketing consultancy and advice on how best to use it. To find out more about how we can help you and your customers #GetKonnected, simply email